
Education records from the Department for Education (DfE)

The DfE creates education records for all pupils using information previously provided by schools and awarding organisations (exam bodies). An education record includes:

  • pupil name, date of birth and address
  • schools they have attended
  • official qualifications like GCSE results
  • support needs

What an education record looks like

What education records are used for

Pupils can use education records to make application and enrolment at sixth form or college quicker and easier. An education records allows each pupil to share information digitally rather than having to take paper copies of information like their qualifications with them when they enrol.

Education records also mean sixth forms and colleges can get pupil information faster and provide any additional needs the pupil has as quickly as possible.

The benefits of using an education record

Schools issue education records

Schools give pupils their education record in year 11. Pupils get their education record on the DfE education record app.

The issue education records service is used by schools to give education records to pupils.

Schools issue education records to pupils step by step

Pupils get and share their education record

Pupils get their education records on the DfE education record app. Pupils then use the app to review their education record and share it with a sixth form or college when they go there to enrol on a course.

Pupils get and share their education records step by step